November 2 - Local Interest

220th day of summer,

and how many more of these days will we get, since high temps always plummet in November, but for now, this one is back down 3 to the familiar 84 -- marking 80 days in the 80's for the year, and 137 or thereabouts for temperatures in this realm or higher (90's, 100's)...

across town

for a

supply-run is the big adventure out of the day,


return to rehearse with Harriet re Three Elegies: To Those Who Come After, Op. 256, and Giorgio Spagnoli's Seniors at Play (John Gehl), both on tomorrow's Fresh Voices XVIII program (8pm, Saturday, November 3, 2018, Community Music Center, 544 Capp Street, San Francisco, CA.  Also edit page 44 new-edition Mice and Men, Op. 45 (1992): Act III and compose

Cliff Variations, Op. 287 (2018)
     Theme and 30 Passacaglic Life Changes
          Variation XI [George Bruns (1914-1983) - Yo Ho a Pirate's Life for Me (1967)]