October 21 - Urtexts

Acquire the George Kaufman / Moss Hart You Can't Take It With You  (1936 / 1979) and take in the not-so-faithful-to-the-script-though-still-charming

1937 Frank Capra / James Stewart version. 

Somehow in the course of the day (208th of summer, high down 2 again to 82 -- palindromic ternary ABCBA last 5 days... 6th instance in the month of this apogee), with general catch-up and editing page 32 new-edition Mice and Men, Op. 45 (1992): Act III, happen upon a

fine blog on Jack Kerouac's route up the Sierra

Matterhorn (access near Bridgeport) and also find a shot of the

lookout on the Washington Cascades' Desolation Peak, both memorialized in the beat author's Dharma Bums (1958)