January 5 - Fiery, Furious

Publishing date of Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury is moved up, and, newhounds that we are, we can take the story in more spaciously,

as Harriet has re-organized the video space nicely --

and also take in more spacial, spacious, spatial, and unspecious (not that we doubt the general substance of above) subjects such as the PBS Humanity from Space (2015) -- really a fine find and really fine pretense for a history of technology,

with Megan over for a visit and walkabout, plus plenteous general catch-up and editing new-edition page 55 Symphony No. 1 ("It Wasn't Classical…"), Op. 61 (1998): I. Allegro con brio... 5th day of spring, high up 2 t 63 (paltry .03 additional rain,  2.47 since July 1)...