November 12 - Yes, and Veterans Day
5th day of reddish light from the Paradise Fire (verily an inferno), and 2nd of fall, high down 2 to 69 -- so yesterday indeed may be the end of summer-temp days (total of 228) for the year --
watching the video of Goat Hall Productions Fresh Voices XVIII (November 3, San Francisco Community Music Center, featuring Matthew Owens' The Garden, Giorgio Spagnoli's Seniors at Play [John Gehl], and Mark Alburger's For Those Who Come After: Three Elegies , Op. 256 [2016, Bertolt Brecht]) with Harriet and Megan, plus editing page 53 new-edition Mice and Men, Op. 45 (1992): Act III and composing
Cliff Variations, Op. 287 (2018)
Theme and 30 Passacaglic Life Changes
Variation XXI [John Williams (b. 1932) - Superman (1978): Theme]